Always have a professional profile on your resume rather than a career objective. The #1 objective of a resume is to secure interviews, but I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read a career objective that doesn’t align with the role being recruited.

Some examples are “I really enjoy working in small teams,” but the role is for a large team. “I’m seeking a permanent position,” but the role is a fixed contract. “I’m motivated to secure a challenging position in an established company,” but it’s a start-up.

Such lines may have been suitable for some roles but certainly not for all. So the takeaway is to ensure you tailor your profile correctly. I’m not saying shouldn’t ever write a career objective, as writing one can help give you clarity of direction, but don’t put it on your resume.

For free tips on profile writing, read my article here

But if you want a professional to do it, start with a Free Resume Health Check by clicking the button below. It’s 100% obligation free and confidential. We provide written detail on how your resume matches up to the essential criteria of a high-performing resume for your sector, and if we find strong opportunity for improvement, we will provide a bespoke quote for our resume writing services.

I create premium quality resumes for energy and resources professionals that clearly define their value proposition, so they get the interviews they truly desire!